The Legacy Group, Inc

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Universal Life insurance is a great choice for those looking for long-term or permanent life insurance protection. It provides a death benefit plus living benefits while building cash value at a guaranteed minimum rate, higher rate depending on how the market performs.


Universal life insurance offers lifelong coverage and provides flexibility when it comes to paying premiums and options for how the policy’s cash value is invested. A standard universal life insurance policy’s cash value grows according to the performance of the insurer’s portfolio and can also be used to pay premiums, for example, if you have a hardship and can’t afford to pay your premiums.

Although it’s often compared to Whole Life insurance, Universal life insurance offers lifelong coverage, but is less expensive with more policy options. 

Each time you pay your premiums, a portion goes toward covering administrative and life costs of the policy and the rest goes toward building cash value. Your cash value is guaranteed to grow either by the guaranteed minimum interest rate or grows faster depending upon how fast the market is growing. You can also choose to pay the maximum premium possible for the first few years of coverage in order to build a larger cash value quicker and then use that cash value to pay premiums later on. This can be a good strategy if you want to maintain permanent coverage even when you have a smaller income due to changes in job or lifestyle and during retirement when your income may be lower.

When is the best time to buy?

Buying universal life insurance in your younger years, like early 20s or 30s, provides the best opportunity to build your assets. The longer you can pay into it with premiums, the more cash value you can build.

The best scenario of the universal life insurance policy would be to have it for at least 10 to 15 years before you start to cash out or touch your investments. If you purchase a universal life policy in your 20s, you could have a good cash value built up by the time you decide to get married and have children. You could even use the cash value as a down payment on a house or other major purchase.  

Another benefit of purchasing universal life insurance when you are younger is that you can benefit from lower premiums since the rate of premiums rises as you get older. 


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